Report of the Commission
The Commission for the Pierangelo Garegnani Prize 2015, composed by Professors Roberto Ciccone (Roma Tre University), Fabio Ravagnani (Sapienza University of Rome) and Gianni Vaggi (University of Pavia), has been pleased to acknowledge the high quality of the applications received.
In comparing the applications, the Commission has evaluated the research work done so far by each candidate, as witnessed by the final or provisional version of her PhD dissertation, as well as the congruence of the research she appears to be prepared to carry out in the future (whether formalized in a project or inferred from her present work) with the lines of thought the Prize aims to support. Moreover, on account of the presence of high quality applications, the Commission has decided to privilege candidates who had not been awarded the previous edition of the Prize.
As a result of the evaluation process, the Commission awards the Pierangelo Garegnani Prize 2015 to Mr Riccardo Pariboni (PhD student at the University of Siena), who has presented the thesis (to be still defended) Autonomous demand and capital accumulation: three essays on heterodox growth theory, and a research project in continuation with the thesis.
In the Commission’s view a special mention has to be made of the PhD thesis (to be still defended) of Mr Jens Reich (PhD student at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main), concerning Money, credit and finance. An inquiry into the institutional nature and the causes of the revenue from the creation of money, credit and finance. Though the relation of the work with the approach patronized by the Prize has been judged comparatively weak, the Commission expresses its appreciation for the extensive treatment of an extremely relevant and quite unexplored matter.
Pierangelo Garegnani Prize 2015
Award ceremony
The Centro Sraffa is pleased to announce that the Prize award ceremony is being planned for the second half of October 2015 at Roma Tre University. Further details of the event will be communicated in a short while.

Call for Applications