The aims of the Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione “Piero Sraffa” are to foster research based on the approach of the Classical economists, from the Physiocrats and Adam Smith to Ricardo, as taken up and developed by Piero Sraffa and subsequent authors, and to stimulate debate in both the theoretical and the applied spheres with other schools of contemporary economic analysis.
As an essential part of the reconstruction of political economy along these lines, the Centro Sraffa also promotes the study of economic realities and policies in their social and institutional contexts.

Centro Sraffa benefits from the contribution of the Italian Ministero della Cultura.


Seminar (in Italian)
In collaborazione con Dipartimento di Economia, Università Roma Tre:
Giovanni Bonifati (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

Riduzione dell’orario e creazione di lavoro
Giovedì 06/06/2024 ore15.30
I dettagli sono disponibili alla pagina

PIERANGELO GAREGNANI THESIS PRIZE 2024 - call for applications
Centro Sraffa, in accordance with the wishes of the family and with its financial support, establishes for the eleventh year a young scholar Prize in memory of Pierangelo Garegnani. Deadline for applications: July, 31. All details at PRIZES AND SCOLARSHIPS

Centro Sraffa Working Paper N.65
Centro Sraffa is pleased to announce that Centro Sraffa Working Paper (CSWP) N. 65, What remains valid of the first chapter of Marx’s Capital, by Fabio Petri, is now online and available for public access. Please go to WORKING PAPERS