Piero Sraffa

Torino, 5th August 1898 - Cambridge, 3rd September 1983

Sraffa's Bibliography

1920 L’inflazione monetaria in Italia durante e dopo la guerra, degree dissertation (Università degli Studi di Torino; supervisor: Luigi Einaudi), Milano, Premiata Scuola Tipografica Salesiana, November.
1921 ‘Open shop drive’, L’Ordine Nuovo, 5 July, p. 3.
1921 ‘Industriali e governo inglese contro i lavoratori’, L’Ordine Nuovo, 24 July, p. 3.
1921 ‘I “Labour Leaders”’, L’Ordine Nuovo, 4 August, pp. 1-2.
1922 ‘The Bank Crisis in Italy’, Economic Journal, 32, June, pp. 178-197.
1922 ‘Italian Banking Today’, The Manchester Guardian Commercial, Supplement: The Reconstruction of Europe, 11, 7 December, pp. 675-676.
1924 ‘Problemi di oggi e di domani’, letter to A. Gramsci published, with Gramsci’s reply, in L’Ordine Nuovo, 1-15 April, p. 4.
1924 ‘Obituary—Maffeo Pantaleoni’, Economic Journal, 34, December, pp. 648-653.
1925 ‘Sulle relazioni fra costo e quantità prodotta’, Annali di economia, 2 , pp. 277-328 [English translation by J. Eatwell and A. Roncaglia, ‘On the relations between cost and quantity produced’, in L. Pasinetti, ed., Italian Economic Papers, vol III, London, Oxford University Press and Bologna, Il Mulino, 1998].
1925 A short review of Hastings, H.B., Cost and Profit: their relation to business cycles, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1923, Giornale degli Economisti, 66, July, pp. 389-390.
1926 ‘The laws of returns under competitive conditions’, Economic Journal, 36, December, pp. 535-550.
1926 Two short reviews of Lehfeldt, R.A., Money, London, Oxford University Press, and of Segre, M., Le banche nell’ultimo decennio, con particolare riguardo al loro sviluppo patologico nel dopoguerra, Milano, La Stampa Commerciale, Giornale degli Economisti, 67, April, p. 230.

1927 ‘The methods of Fascism. The case of Antonio Gramsci’, letter to The Manchester Guardian, 24 October (signed ‘An Italian in England’).
1927 ‘Polemica monetaria’, two letters to A. Tasca published, with Tasca’s reply, in Lo Stato Operaio, 1, November, pp. 1089-1095.
1927 A short review of Phillips, H.W., Modern foreign exchange and foreign banking, London, Macdonald and Evans, Giornale degli Economisti, 68, October, p. 610.
1930 ‘A criticism’ and ‘Rejoinder’, interventions in the ‘Symposium on increasing returns and the representative firm’ (D. H. Robertson, P. Sraffa, G. H. Shove), Economic Journal, 40, March pp. 89-92 and p. 93.
1930 ‘An alleged correction of Ricardo’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 44, May pp. 539-544.
1932 ‘Dr. Hayek on money and capital’ and ‘[Money and Capital]: Rejoinder’, Economic Journal, 42, March, pp. 42-53 and June, pp. 249-251.
1938 (with J. M. Keynes) Introduction to D. Hume, An Abstract of a Treatise on Human Nature (1740), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
1951-1973 Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, ed. P. Sraffa (with the collaboration of M. Dobb), Vols I-X, 1951-1955, and Vol. XI (index), 1973, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
1955 ‘Malthus on public works’, Economic Journal, 55, September, pp. 543-544.
1960 Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press [Italian edition by Sraffa himself, with the collaboration of R. Mattioli: Produzione di merci a mezzo di merci. Premesse a una critica della teoria economica, Torino, Einaudi, 1960].
1961 Interventions in the debate at the Corfù conference on the ‘Theory or Capital’, organized by the International Economic Association (4-11 September 1958), in The Theory of Capital, F. A. Lutz and D. C. Hague, eds., New York, Macmillan, pp. 305-306 and 325.
1962 ‘Production of commodities. A comment’ (in reply to Harrod’s review), Economic Journal, 72, pp. 477-479.
1970 Two letters to P. Newman, dated 4 and 19 June 1962, published in appendix to K. Bharadwaj, ‘On the maximum number of switches between two production systems’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 106, December.